John Crane Instructor-Led Training

Für die Funktion und Verfügbarkeit von Verdichtern sind gasgeschmierte Gleitringdichtungen kritische Bauteile. Passende Versorgungssysteme sorgen für einen zuverlässigen Betrieb und die sichere Überwachung der Dichtungen. Hierbei sind Filter und Abscheider essenziell für eine lange Betriebszeit. Gleitlager ermöglichen hohe Lasten und Geschwindigkeiten bei kleinen Verlustleistungen.   Seminargebühr: 890,00 € Zahlungsbedingungen: Zahlung nach Erhalt der Rechnung. Bei Fragen oder für weitere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an   John Crane befolgt weiterhin alle lokalen und nationalen Bestimmungen in Bezug auf die COVID 19-Beschränkungen. Im Falle einer Änderung dieser Bestimmungen oder Richtlinien behält sich John Crane das Recht vor, geplante Schulungen zu verschieben, neu zu planen oder abzusagen.   John Crane verpflichtet sich, allen Lernwilligen die Teilnahme an Seminaren anzubieten, ohne jegliche Diskriminierung. Alle Kollegen und Seminarteilnehmer sind verpflichtet, ein positives Lernumfeld zu schaffen. John Crane hat die legalen Rechte für alle Produkte, die im Seminar vorgestellt werden. Read more

Explicar y brindar conocimiento básico sobre el funcionamiento de sellos mecánicos, sus componentes, materiales y distintos diseños.     Consulte la pestaña "Contenido" para conocer una fecha y hora específicas.   Opciones de pago: Para pagar con tarjeta de crédito, seleccione el curso y vaya al carrito. Para pagar mediante orden de compra (PO), envíe un correo electrónico a e incluya el nombre del curso, las fechas y la ubicación en el asunto del mail.   John Crane continúa siguiendo las pautas locales y nacionales en relación con las restricciones de COVID-19. En caso de que se produzca un cambio en dichas condiciones o pautas, John Crane se reserva el derecho de posponer, reprogramar o cancelar las sesiones de capacitación programadas. John Crane se compromete a ofrecer cursos libres de discriminación a todos los estudiantes. Se responsabilizan a sí mismos, a sus colegas y a otros participantes para garantizar un entorno de aprendizaje positivo. John Crane tiene un interés personal en cualquiera de los productos discutidos en este curso. Read more

Explicar y brindar conocimiento básico sobre las funciones que cumplen, y el funcionamiento y configuración de los distintos planes de asistencia.     Consulte la pestaña "Contenido" para conocer una fecha y hora específicas.   Opciones de pago: Para pagar con tarjeta de crédito, seleccione el curso y vaya al carrito. Para pagar mediante orden de compra (PO), envíe un correo electrónico a e incluya el nombre del curso, las fechas y la ubicación en el asunto del mail.   John Crane continúa siguiendo las pautas locales y nacionales en relación con las restricciones de COVID-19. En caso de que se produzca un cambio en dichas condiciones o pautas, John Crane se reserva el derecho de posponer, reprogramar o cancelar las sesiones de capacitación programadas. John Crane se compromete a ofrecer cursos libres de discriminación a todos los estudiantes. Se responsabilizan a sí mismos, a sus colegas y a otros participantes para garantizar un entorno de aprendizaje positivo. John Crane tiene un interés personal en cualquiera de los productos discutidos en este curso. Read more

John Crane's five-day instructor-led Wet and Dry Seals Advanced course includes:   Principles of seal design and operation Support systems for pumps and rotating equipment Dry gas seals and seal support systems for Centrifugal Compressors Failure analysis and troubleshooting Wet mechanical seal and dry gas seal installation Operation and maintenance.   Key concepts, theory, and application are presented through an effective blend of classroom instruction, practical hands-on exercises, and group activities. The course includes appropriate assessments on theory and practical elements. A certificate is issued to delegates upon successful course completion. CEU credits available. Please see the "Content" tab for specific date and time. Please see the "Content" tab for specific date and time.   Payment Options: To pay by credit card, select the course and proceed to the cart. To pay by Purchase Order (PO) please email and include the course name, dates and the location in the subject line.   John Crane continues to follow local and national guidelines in relation to COVID 19 restrictions.  In the event of a change to such conditions or guidelines, John Crane reserves the right to postpone, reschedule or cancel scheduled training sessions John Crane is committed to providing courses to all learners that are free from discrimination. They hold themselves, their colleagues, and other participants accountable to ensure a positive learning environment. John Crane has a vested interest in any products discussed in this course. Read more

John Crane's five-day instructor-led Wet and Dry Seals Advanced course includes:   Principles of seal design and operation Support systems for pumps and rotating equipment Dry gas seals and seal support systems for Centrifugal Compressors Failure analysis and troubleshooting Wet mechanical seal and dry gas seal installation Operation and maintenance.   Key concepts, theory, and application are presented through an effective blend of classroom instruction, practical hands-on exercises, and group activities. The course includes appropriate assessments on theory and practical elements. A certificate is issued to delegates upon successful course completion. CEU credits available. Please see the "Content" tab for specific date and time.   Payment Options: To pay by credit card, select the course and proceed to the cart. To pay by Purchase Order (PO) please email and include the course name, dates and the location in the subject line.   John Crane continues to follow local and national guidelines in relation to COVID 19 restrictions.  In the event of a change to such conditions or guidelines, John Crane reserves the right to postpone, reschedule or cancel scheduled training sessions John Crane is committed to providing courses to all learners that are free from discrimination. They hold themselves, their colleagues, and other participants accountable to ensure a positive learning environment. John Crane has a vested interest in any products discussed in this course. Read more

John Crane's five-day instructor-led Wet and Dry Seals Advanced course includes:   Principles of seal design and operation Support systems for pumps and rotating equipment Dry gas seals and seal support systems for Centrifugal Compressors Failure analysis and troubleshooting Wet mechanical seal and dry gas seal installation Operation and maintenance.   Key concepts, theory, and application are presented through an effective blend of classroom instruction, practical hands-on exercises, and group activities. The course includes appropriate assessments on theory and practical elements. A certificate is issued to delegates upon successful course completion. CEU credits available. Please see the "Content" tab for specific date and time.   Payment Options: To pay by credit card, select the course and proceed to the cart. To pay by Purchase Order (PO) please email and include the course name, dates and the location in the subject line.   John Crane continues to follow local and national guidelines in relation to COVID 19 restrictions.  In the event of a change to such conditions or guidelines, John Crane reserves the right to postpone, reschedule or cancel scheduled training sessions John Crane is committed to providing courses to all learners that are free from discrimination. They hold themselves, their colleagues, and other participants accountable to ensure a positive learning environment. John Crane has a vested interest in any products discussed in this course. Read more

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